Epistle of joy Philippians
We live in a sad world that is lost and away from God despair depression disappointment.
Dissatisfaction and pain and sorrow runs through the life's of many today people have little hope that their life's will ever change. Hopelessness tends to increase with age years of fulfillment loss of love ones and friends Physical limitation and pain decrease the times of happiness in people life's.
Most people define happiness as an attitude of satisfaction or delight base on circumstances beyond their control happiness cannot be planned or programmed or guaranteed it is experienced only if and when circumstances are favorable it is elusive and uncertain.
Spiritual joy on the other hand is not an attitude dependent on chance or circumstances it is the deep abiding confidence that regardless of one's circumstance in life all is well between the believer and the Lord. No matter what difficulty pain disappointment, failure ,rejection or other things as in
Rom.8:38 nothing can separate us from the love of God!
1.True joy is found in a relationship with God. palms 4:7-8
2. Joy is a gift from God palm16:11
3. Joy is given by God through the proclaiming the gospel Luke 2:10-11-John 15:11
4. Joy is produced by the holy spirit ROM.14:17-Gal. 5:22-23
5. Joy is experienced when believers receive and obey the word of God. Jer.15:16 1jn.1:4
6. Joy is experienced as God brings you out of trials 1Thess.1:6- James 1:2 -1Pet.1:3-6
7. Joy is made complete when your hope is revealed in the glory of Jesus 1pet.1:8-1pet.4:13
Jude 24-25 joy is complete when God keeps you, and you stand before his presence with great joy!
Paul and timothy a bond servant of Jesus Christ.
Contrast between a servant and or helper.
1. a helper- helps others when it is convenient.
2. a Servant- serves others even when it is inconvenient.
3. a helper- helps people that he or she likes.
4. a Servant- serves even people that he or she doesn't like.
5. a helper- helps when he or she enjoys the work.
6. a Servant- serves even when the circumstances are. Inconvenient.
7. a helper- helps when the circumstances are convenient.
8. a Servant- serves even when he or she receives no personal satisfaction.
9. a helper-helps with a view to obtaining personal satisfaction.
10. a Servant-serves with an attitude of enabling others.
11. a helper - serves with an attitude of assisting others.
The Reasons for joy:
Phil 1:3-8
Paul knew how to overcome depression, anxiety, worry( hope in God Ps 42-43
Paul talked about Jesus acts 28:23-30 Phil 1:18
1. True joy is is being filled with the spirit. Rom.14:17
2. True joy comes when you lead lives worthy of the gospel Phil.1:27
3. True joy is when you one with God and have love,unity, one purpose, humility. Considering
Others better than yourself and looking after each other. Phil.2:2-4
4. True joy is when you stop grumbling and disputing. Phil.2:14-15
5. True joy is when you give thanks for your brothers and sisters. Phil.1:3-5
The joy of recollection Phil. 1:3 I remember your faith walk
Paul's vision acts16:7-10-13-15 Phil .4:15-16
The joy of intercession. Phil 1:4
As Paul prayed God blessed: prayed in faith for all the churches.
The joy of participation .Phil .1:5
Koinonia fellowship and sharing and giving Rom=.12:13-Rom.15:26 2 Cor. 9:13
The joy of anticipation Phil .1:6
God's at work in my life nothing will encourage us more in life than to know that one day
We will be made perfect. Rom. 5:8-10
The joy of affection Phil.1:7-8
The joy of expressing God's love to others in God's moral and spiritual righteousness
The Philippians where loved by Paul in his heart and mind.
What steals your Joy
1. What robs believers of biblical joy? False salvation Matt .13:24-43
They do not have the spirit that indwelling them gal.5:22 come to church fellowship,hear
The word. But because they do not know the lord 2 cor. 13:5
2. Satan and his demons he can't take there salvation but try to steal their joy
Guilt, fear, etc. 1pet.5:8 Ps 51.12
3. Robs believers of their joy because of a lack of understanding the word of God fret worry
Over there circumstances and fear the future this amounts to doubting Rom.8:28 Matt.6:25
4. Praylessness believers fail to pray lose sight of God his love and care james 5:14-16
5. Joylessness emotional low after a spiritual high 1 kings 18:38-40
6. Believers focusing on there circumstances, dissatisfaction physical,mental, job money
Appearance Phil.4:11
7. Ingratitude 1 Thess.5:18 Rom. 1:18-20
8. Forgetting the Lord Psalm 103:2
9. Joy is lost because the flesh talks to you living by uncontrolled feelings temper, anger
Living by the flesh gal.5:15-21
10. Unwilling to accept forgiveness or to forgive others or a grudge Matt.6:14-15