"I do not know you, but I know a God that answers prayer, may I pray for you".I got to know people just by sharing Jesus, but something happened in my walk, and I stopped, I backed off, I was part of the prayer chain for 12 years, but I would no longer step out in boldness and the authority of Jesus Christ.
The first item on my list for the Daniel fast. Why are you fasting?
To Break Generational Curses, to pray for sick people that they may see the Hand of God move on their behalf.
What are your dreams and visions?
Pastors Dave and Mardell have been in the ministry forever she was 17. He was 21 years old missionaries in the Philippines, dedicated their lives for the Lord's work. Around 4 years ago they decided to step out sharing a mutual dream, work with orphans indigenous children in Mexico, it has to be a success even though all their possessions were stolen. Not even a piece of paper from 40 years in ministry in the Philippines was left. Nevertheless, they still serve him drive around in a box truck feeding people, And this new location they have many others as well.
No too long ago he was diagnosed with prostate cancer at 74 years old, he came to the states for treatment only to be denied because he resides in Mexico, he was not given any assistance at all.
Member of his old congregation who are all over the place approached him and offer to pay for his treatment cash, he had started, and still serving the Lord in pain.
I had received a letter with bad news, pastor's wife was telling me that the doctor's didn't give him a good report no hope, but she was standing her ground in the Lord.
I immediately send a letter confessing God's word and standing in agreement with her for a miracle, as the word says signs and wonders follow those who believe, I believe....
I am excited to tell you, all Glory to king Jesus, our Pastor Dave has been miraculously healed, All we get is. This is a miracle. No more pain and suffering and no more treatments, no more doctors to go see, but better reports of services and works for the Lord, I just received a recent letter with a picture of a new location.
The Kingdom of God is advancing! The gates of hell do not prevail against the children of God.
God is still the same, yesterday Today and forever, Pastor Duley had mentioned in one of his sermons remember how God moved on your behalf before, so I started remembering all the time the Lord sent me to pray for sick people, to see His wonderful hand touch that vessel in need.
That God is the God that I am taking my petitions too on behalf of other in firmed brothers and sisters in the Lord.
Furthermore, one last thing, the Lord showed me in His word something that is an answer to my second request.
What are your dreams and visions? People heal during worship. See how the Leper, who needed Jesus. FIRST he worshiped Him!!! Amen let's meditate on that. Mathew8:1-4, 1 When He had come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed Him. 2 And behold, a leper came and worshiped Him, saying, “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.”
3 Then Jesus put out His hand and touched him, saying, “I am willing; be cleansed.” Immediately his leprosy was cleansed.
Things can happen in our lives and we just quietly hide between the walls of our churches and do not step out to exercise and move in the purpose of what God created us to do. Ugly things happen in our lives, no one is immune from it, but I tell my kids, Look at the Beauty of the Lord, reflect on His mercy and how good He always has been no matter what we go through.Take your rightful place, Your life is not your own, it has been bought, with a price and in Him, we live, we move and have our being, all in the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, be encouraged that God HEARS the prayers of the righteous, HE IS WILLING!!!!
All Glory and Honor to Jesus Our King,
Carmen Villalobos
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